Plain & Lined Notebooks for Students

Plain & Lined Notebooks for Students

Notetaking Series

Plain & Lined notebooks are available to buy on Amazon.

I’ve created this notebook series because I wanted a lecture and research notebook that was:

1.       Compact & Lightweight, to fit in a small backpack (an addition for lecture notes, smaller than my computer)

2.       Plain & Lined Pages - for drawing diagrams and follow-up research questions / connections from class

3. A soft flexible covee

Alternating Plain & Lined Pages

Plain & Lined Notebook double page layout

I wanted a notebook I could use flexibly to draw and write notes.  Lined pages create a structure for writing notes.  Plain pages provide more creative freedom to draw, sketch, create tables or whatever else is needed to capture the information in note format. 

Each double page layout has a plain page opposite a lined page, these can be used for:

-          notetaking – summarising or paraphrasing

-          questions to investigate

-          further reading

-          mindmaps

-          graphs, tables or diagrams

The page layout provides flexibility to create and develop your research notes to suit your learning style or your notetaking preferences. 

Notetaking Style

The Plain & Lined Notebook lends itself to applying the Outline Method and MindMap Method of notetaking.

The MindMap Method is a notetaking style that creates as visual representation of the information, linking concepts, themes and ideas through a series of interconnected lines.  The Outline Method is a hierarchical method that creates nested sub-topics of related information grouped together.  

Applying both hierarchical methods in a single notebook combines the fluid and creative strengths of Mindmaps with the structured approach of the Outline Method creating lists to connect concepts, themes and ideas.

Compact & Lightweight

Applying the Outline and Mindmap Methods allows for the condensing of large volumes of complex information into a compact and unique visual distillation because of the individual perspective and interests.

The Plain & Lined Notebook is intentionally designed in an unusual size to create compact notes that deter all but the most essential of quotes and lengthy notes.

require the distillation of ideas and information by the note-maker so the notes created are individual and unique because of the individual perspective and interests.


Plain & Lined notebooks are designed for university students who need a compact, lightweight notebook that they can use for lectures, seminar groups and individual study. 

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University Librarian provides a blog, notebooks and tools ​for students who want to improve their study skills.


The Mind Map Method of Notetaking


Read & Reference Notebooks for students